Séminaire du CEREA - 13 octobre 2003

A meteorological preprocessor for a chemistry transport model, and comparisons

In this work a coupling between a meteorological model and a chemistry transport model is presented. The Fifth-Generation NCAR / Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5) includes multiple-nest capabilities, nonhydrostatic dynamics, four-dimensional data assimilation capability and many physical options, as well as portability to a wider range of computing platforms. This mesoscale model is used to build meteorological information as input for Polair3D. Polair3D is a three-dimensional eulerian chemistry transport model developed by CEREA (Research Center for Atmospheric Environment) at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. The coupling is done with the help of a pre-processor that transforms the necessary meteorological fields to an appropriate grid in time and space. The programs are used to simulate concentrations of certain substances over the area of Berlin-Branderburg, and the results are compared with those produced by REGOZON (model developed in Germany).

Le séminaire aura lieu dans la salle de réunion du CEREA B220 à 11h00.

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