Séminaire du CEREA - 28 avril 2006

Adaptive observations and assimilation in the unstable subspace (AUS) by reeding on the data-assimilation system (BDAS), Alberto Carrassi

Results of targeting and assimilation experiments in a quasi-geostrophic model will be presented and discussed. The main idea is to exploit the estimated flow-dependent unstable subspace of the assimilation system to estimate and reduce the background error. The estimate of the unstable directions, consistent with the stability analysis of the data assimilation system, is obtained by a modified breeding technique, (BDAS), that naturally incorporates the information on the observational network, the assimilation system and its dynamical instabilities. The analysis update is obtained assimilating the observations in the unstable subspace (AUS); as a consequence the analysis increment has the same structure as the orced bred modes. The comparison with a 3DVar algorithm, in the context of adaptive observations experiments under perfect model assumption, demonstrates the ability of the BDAS technique to estimate the actual unstable modes of the assimilation system and the e±ciency of the dynamically based assimilation AUS. Use of adaptive observations, taken at locations where bred vectors have maximum amplitude, enhances the efficiency of the procedure and allows the use of a very limited number of observations and modes.
The key to this success is in the mutual enhancement of two beneficial effects obtained by:

Statistics accumulated over two-years analysis cycle experiments show that a drastic reduction of the RMS analysis error is obtained when assimilation is performed by AUS. Moreover, as predicted by the theory, the observational forcing reduces the dimension of the unstable subspace of the assimilation system. Results show that the number of observations needed to stabilize the system is related to the instability properties of the free system, that is to the number and growth rate of the unstable modes.

Le séminaire aura lieu dans la salle de réunion du CEREA B220 à 14h00.

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