@ARTICLE{polyphemus, author = {Vivien Mallet and Denis Qu{\'e}lo and Bruno Sportisse and Ahmed de Biasi, Meryem and {\'E}douard Debry and Ir{\`e}ne Korsakissok and Lin Wu and Yelva Roustan and Karine Sartelet and Marilyne Tombette and Hadjira Foudhil}, title = {Technical {N}ote: {T}he air quality modeling system {P}olyphemus}, journal = {Atmos. Chem. Phys.}, year = {2007}, volume = {7}, number = {20}, pages = {5,479--5,487} }
@ARTICLE{mallet05data, author = {Vivien Mallet and Bruno Sportisse}, title = {Data processing and parameterizations in atmospheric chemistry and physics: the {A}tmo{D}ata library}, journal = {Submitted to Atmospheric Environment}, year = {2005} }
@TECHREPORT{pourchet05numerical, author = {A. Pourchet and V. Mallet and D. Qu{\'e}lo and B. Sportisse}, title = {Some numerical issues in {C}hemistry-{T}ransport {M}odels - a comprehensive study with the {P}olyphemus/{P}olair{3D} platform}, institution = {CEREA}, year = {2005}, number = {26} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{sartelet02development, author = {K. N. Sartelet and J. Boutahar and D. Qu{\'e}lo and I. Coll and P. Plion and B. Sportisse}, title = {Development and validation of a 3{D} {C}hemistry-{T}ransport {M}odel, {P}olair{3D}, by comparison with data from {ESQUIF} campaign}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 6th {G}loream workshop: {G}lobal and regional atmospheric modelling}, year = 2002, pages = {140--146}, address = {{A}veiro, {P}ortugal} }
@ARTICLE{mallet043d, author = {Vivien Mallet and Bruno Sportisse}, title = {3-{D} chemistry-transport model {P}olair: numerical issues, validation and automatic-differentiation strategy}, journal = {Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.}, year = {2004}, volume = {4}, pages = {1,371--1,392} }
@ARTICLE{boutahar04development, author = {Jaouad Boutahar and St{\'e}phanie Lacour and Vivien Mallet and Denis Qu{\'e}lo and Yelva Roustan and Bruno Sportisse}, title = {Development and validation of a fully modular platform for numerical modelling of air pollution: {POLAIR}}, journal = {Int. J. Environment and Pollution}, year = {2004}, volume = {22}, number = {1/2}, pages = {17--28} }
@ARTICLE{quelo06validation, author = {Denis Qu{\'e}lo and Monika Krysta and Marc Bocquet and Olivier Isnard and Yannick Minier and Bruno Sportisse}, title = {Validation of the {P}olyphemus platform: the {ETEX}, {C}hernobyl and {A}lgeciras cases}, journal = {Submitted to Atmospheric Environment}, year = {2006}, volume = {110}, number = {D24} }
@ARTICLE{quelo05inverse, author = {Denis Qu{\'e}lo and Vivien Mallet and Bruno Sportisse}, title = {Inverse modeling of {$\mathrm{NO_x}$} emissions at regional scale over northern {F}rance: {P}reliminary investigation of the second-order sensitivity}, journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, year = {2005}, volume = {110}, number = {D24} }
@PHDTHESIS{quelo04simulation, author = {Denis Qu{\'e}lo}, title = {Simulation num{\'e}rique et assimilation de donn{\'e}es variationnelle pour la dispersion atmosph{\'e}rique de polluants}, school = {{\'E}cole Nationale des Ponts et Chauss{\'e}es}, year = {2004} }
@TECHREPORT{sportisse06siream, author = {Bruno Sportisse and Karine Sartelet and Edouard Debry and Kathleen Fahey and Yelva Roustan and Marilyne Tombette}, title = {The {SI}ze {RE}solved {A}erosol {M}odel ({SIREAM}) and the {M}odal {A}erosol {M}odel ({MAM}). {T}echnical documentation}, institution = {CEREA}, year = 2006, number = 8, note = {115 pages} }
@PHDTHESIS{debry04modelling, author = {Debry, E.}, title = {Modelling and simulation of an atmospheric aerosol distribution}, school = {ENPC, CEREA}, year = {2004} }
@ARTICLE{sartelet05development, author = {K. N. Sartelet and H. Hayami and B. Albriet and B. Sportisse}, title = {Development and preliminary validation of a modal aerosol model for tropospheric chemistry: {MAM}}, journal = {Aerosol Sc. and Tech.}, volume = {40}, number = {2}, pages = {118-127}, year = {2005} }
@ARTICLE{roustan-mercure1, author = {Roustan, Y. and Bocquet, M.}, title = {Sensitivity analysis for mercury over {E}urope}, journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, year = {2006}, volume = {111}, number = {D14304} }
@ARTICLE{mallet05toward, author = {Vivien Mallet and Bruno Sportisse}, title = {Ensemble-based air quality forecasts: a multi-model approach applied to ozone}, journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, year = 2006, volume = 111, number = {D18}, pages = 18302 }
@ARTICLE{mics-sens, author = {K. N. Sartelet and E. Debry and K. Fahey and Y. Roustan and M. Tombette and B. Sportisse}, title = {{MICS-Asia Phase II}: sensitivity to the aerosol module }, journal = {Atmospheric Environment}, year = 2006, note = {Submitted} }
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