15-16 May in Toulouse: A tribute to O. Talagrand and G. Desroziers!
L. Berre, C. Loo, Y. Michel, P. Brousseau and I are organising a special seminar, which is a tribute to Olivier Talagrand and Gérald Desroziers considering their scientific legacy. This event, which will take place in the Météopole in Toulouse on the 15th and 16th of May 2018, will reunite colleagues, friends, and former students. Some of them will speak: F. Rabier, Ph. Courtier, J.-N. Thépaut, J. Verron, J. Pailleux, J. Verron, F.-X. Le Dimet and many others. The talks will be in French.

You can find the program here, and the high-resolution poster here. If you want to join us, please send an email to Loïk and Pierre by the end of April (see the end of the program).