My colleague Tobias Finn, has introduced a scalable approach to parametrise the unresolved subgrid-scale of sea-ice dynamics with deep learning techniques. He applies this data-driven approach to a regional sea-ice model that accounts exclusively for dynamical processes with a Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology. Our channel-like model setup is driven by a wave-like wind forcing, which generates examples of sharp transitions between unfractured and fully-fractured sea ice. Using a convolutional U-Net architecture, the parametrising neural network extracts multiscale and anisotropic features and, thus, includes important inductive biases needed for sea-ice dynamics. The neural network is trained to correct all nine model variables at the same time. With the initial and forecast state as input into the neural network, we cast the subgrid-scale parametrisation as model error correction, needed to correct unresolved model dynamics. We test the here-proposed approach in twin experiments, where forecasts of a low-resolution forecast model are corrected towards high-resolution truth states for a forecast lead time of about 10 min. At this lead time, our approach reduces the forecast errors by more than 75 %, averaged over all model variables. The neural network learns hereby a physically-explainable input-to-output relation. Furthermore, cycling the subgrid-scale parametrisation together with the geophysical model improves the short-term forecast up to one hour. We consequently show that neural networks can parametrise the subgrid-scale for sea-ice dynamics. We therefore see this study as an important first step towards hybrid modelling to forecast sea-ice dynamics on an hourly to daily timescale.

The paper is entitled Deep learning of subgrid-scale parametrisations for short-term forecasting of sea-ice dynamics with a Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology, and is published (open access) in the Cryosphere journal. This work, which is a contribution to the SASIP project has been funded by Schmidt Futures – a philanthropic initiative that seeks to improve societal outcomes through the development of emerging science and technologies.