Innovative numerical methods and machine learning in the geosciences

École des Ponts ParisTech is opening a tenure-track professor position in the scientific field of innovative numerical methods and machine learning in the geosciences, with applications in the domain of atmospheric numerical modeling, for an appointment before the end of 2023 at CEREA (research and training center in atmospheric environment). This recruitment is aimed at researchers with a strong potential, willing to participate in national, European, or international projects, and, in the longer term, to lead a research team. The position concerns a researcher working in the field of numerical methods in the geosciences with a strong expertise in model reduction, traditional statistical techniques or machine learning, or the combination of these different approaches. As part of her/his teaching assignment at École des Ponts, the junior Professor could be especially involved in the courses on fluid mechanics and energetics, atmospheric environment and air quality as well as numerical simulation, data assimilation and machine learning, with the objective of participating in the creation and being in charge of a course.

Find our more about the recruitment and the profile description here.