The topics I am working on:
Theoretical data assimilation:
Methodology in atmospheric chemistry data assimilation: representativeness errors, error estimation, hyperparameter selection.
Regularisation of inverse problems by the maximum entropy on the mean principle. Applied information theory.
Nonlinear/non-Gaussian data assimilation.
Ensemble Kalman filtering, particle filtering.
Ensemble variational methods.
Multiscale, adaptive grid data assimilation.
Machine learning applied to the geosciences, in particular combined with or in support of data assimilation.
Inverse modelling of atmospheric tracer source. Applications to Chernobyl, Fukushima, emergency response.
Data assimilation and inverse modelling in air quality. Applications to Carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, photochemistry.
Monitoring network design for air pollution.
Air quality numerical modelling (especially radionuclides dispersion).
New applications of data assimilation: adaptive optics for extremely large telescopes, detection and attribution in climate.