Séminaire du CEREA - 27 mai 2004

Urban Mobile Emission in South American Mega Cities (UMESAM)

In this talk I will present the project UMESAM. The main goal of UMESAM is to promote the development of new collaborative research in the Americas, able to connect local air quality initiatives and global change issues, involving researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and the United States of America. This research focuses on two work packages: (a) a methodology to estimate urban emissions from mobile sources, and (b) inverse modeling techniques both on the regional and local (city by city) scales. This work is developed within the framework of an international network, financed via the Interamerican Institute for Global Research, which is expected to expand its scope to other pollutants, including greenhouse gases, and the establishment of coordinated regional networks of observations, which are all functional to the consolidation of Earth System Modeling tools for a better basis on atmospheric chemistry and climate research, and the establishment of long-term sustainable policies. Emphasis will be put in the connections between this work and the collaboration we have sustained with ENPC and IRIA over the last two years.

Le séminaire aura lieu dans la salle de réunion du CEREA B220 à 11h00.

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