Extended streams

Useful functions

A few useful functions are available:

Class ExtStream

Class ExtStream derives from ifstream and brings extended features to input streams. Main features may be:



# France exports and imports (%) in 2003.
# Source: INSEE.

# Country, exports, imports (annual means).
Germany: 14.9, 17.4
Spain: 10.2, 7.6
UK: 9.7, 6.8
Italy: 9.3, 9.3
B/L: 8.3, 7.4 # Economic union Belgium/Luxembourg
USA: 6.9, 6.5

Number of countries: 6


#include "Talos.hxx"
using namespace Talos;

int main()
  ExtStream file("file.dat");

  cout << "Reading " << file.GetFileName() << "..." << endl;

  // Searches for the number of countries.
  int N=6;
  cout << "Number of countries: " << N << "." << endl;
  // Move to the beginning.

  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      cout << file.GetElement();
      cout << '\t' << file.GetNumber();
      cout << '\t' << file.GetNumber() << endl;

  return 0;


Reading file.dat...
Number of countries: 6.
Germany 14.9    17.4
Spain   10.2    7.6
UK      9.7     6.8
Italy   9.3     9.3
B/L     8.3     7.4
USA     6.9     6.5

makefile (launch make read):

CC	=	g++
INCPATH	=	Talos # Put the path to Talos.
LINK	=	g++

TARGETS	=	read read_config read_configs exceptions dates

all: $(TARGETS)

$(TARGETS): % : %.o
	$(LINK) -o $@ $<

%.o : %.cpp
	$(CC) -I$(INCPATH) -c -o $@ $<

	rm -f $(TARGETS) $(TARGETS:%=%.o)


ExtStream mainly extracts elements from the stream. An element is a string surrounded by delimiters. By default, delimiters are spaces, tabulations and line breaks. So, by default, elements are simply words. GetElement is used to extract elements, as shown in the previous example.

The method Find searches for an element. It means that, if spaces are delimiters (default), one is only able to search for words. As a consequence, in the previous example, files.Find("Number of countries") would have failed.

GetNumber searches for the first element that is also a number.


A exception may be thrown if:

The object thrown is a string that explains what happened. One may use the macros TRY and END to catch exceptions:

exceptions.cpp (launch make exceptions):

#include "Talos.hxx"
using namespace Talos;

int main()
  TRY; // Opens a 'try' block.

  ExtStream file("file.dat");


  END; // Catches exceptions.

  return 0;


Error in ExtStream::Find: "Finland" not found in "file.dat".

END also returns 1. Here is its definition:

#define END \
catch (std::exception& Err)\
cout << "C++ exception: " << Err.what() << endl;\
return 1;\
catch (std::string& str)\
cout << str << endl;\
return 1;\
catch (const char* str)\
cout << str << endl;\
return 1;\
cout << "Unknown exception..." <<endl;\
return 1;\