Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Environnement Atmosphérique

Joint Laboratory of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech/EDF R&D



We are or have been notably involved in the following projects:

  1. A project ( Optimal design of Monitoring Networks for Air Quality ) funded by R2DS network (Réseau de Recherche sur le Développement Soutenable) région Île-de-France;
  2. The European project HEIMTSA (Health and Environment Integrated Methodology and Toolbox for Scenario Assessment) coordinated by the IOM (Intitute of Occupational Medecine);
  3. The European project EXIOPOL (Environmental accounting framework using eXternality data and Input-Output tools for POLicy analysis) coordinated by the FEEM (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei);
  4. The INRIA ADOQA (Assimilation of air quality data) (2005-2007);
  5. The European project NEEDS as a Common Laboratory with EDF R&D (2004-2007);
  6. The MIRA project (Inverse Modeling of Atmospheric Wastes) with IRSN and École Centrale de Lyon (2003-2006);
  7. The Multiphase Atmospheric Pollution project (PAM) funded by Primequal (2001);
  8. The MICS ASIA project (Model InterComparison Study), Phase 2 (MICS 2);
  9. The ANR (French National Agency for Research) MSDAG project (Multiscale Data Assimilation for Geophysics) with INRIA and LSCE;
  10. The ANR INOGEV project (Innovation for the sustainable management of city water) with IFSTTAR, LEESU, and IRSN;
  11. The ANR GEO-FLUIDS project (Image assimilation for geophysical flows) with INRIA, CNRS, and Météo-France;
  12. The ANR IDEA project (Fires from combustion to emissions) with CNRS, INRIA, Météo-France École Centrale de Paris, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées and Université de Marseille;
  13. The MOCOPO project (Measurements and modeling of traffic congestion and pollution) funded by PREDIT (Research program on transportation) with IFSTTAR, Ascoparg, and INRIA;
  14. The ADOMOCA project (Data assimilation for atmospheric chemical transport models) funded by INSU with Météo France, CERFACS, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, LISA and CEA;
  15. The MIDAR project (Inverse modeling of the source term of Chernobyl) funded by INSU;
  16. The IMMANENT project (Massively distributed measurements for transportation and cities) funded by the Ecology Ministry, with IFSTTAR, LNE, CSTB, and IGN;
  17. The OLD'AIR project (Set-up of a chemical tool for long-range air pollution studies) funded by PRIMEQUAL (Inter-agency air quality research program) with LISA and INERIS;
  18. The CARBOSOR project (Sources and reactivity of gaseous organic carbon in continental polluted plumes) funded by PRIMEQUAL, with LISA and École des Mines de Douai;
  19. The Ville Numérique project (Digital city) funded by the Ecology Ministry (MEEDTL) with IFSTTAR and LEESU;
  20. The Exp'Air project (Simulation of air quality) of the "Futur en Seine" program funded by Paris and the Île de France region, with Numtech and Airparif;
  21. The AIRBOX project (Impact study of "plan particules") funded by ADEME;
  22. The PRE-QUALIF IZNOGOUD project (Monitoring the effect of the Priority Action Areas for air) leaded by LSCE with Airparif;
  23. The EUREQUA ANR project (Multidisciplinary assessment and environmental redevelopment of districts) leaded by Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoire (LISST) of University of Toulouse with Météo-France, IFSTTAR and architecture and urbanism laboratories;
  24. The SAF-MED ANR project (Secondary aerosol formation in the Mediterranean) leaded by CEREA, with LISA, Chimie-Provence laboratory and LAMP, as part of CHARMEX programme.
  25. The Trafipollu ANR project (Multiscale modelization of pollution related to urban trafic) leaded by IFSTTAR, with CEREA, LEESU, IGN, Airparif and CETE Île-de-France.
  26. The "Aerosol Modelization" project funded by the GMES-DD programme of the french ministry of ecology and by ADEME.
  27. The DRIVE project (Road trafic particle emissions) leaded by IFSTTAR with Chimie-Provence laboratory, LGGE and CEREA, funded by the CORTEA programme of ADEME.
  28. The Estimair ANR project led by INRIA/Cerea with Numtech, LVMT (Laboratory of urban planning and transportation) and LMPA (Laboratory of fluid mechanics and acoustics) as partners, which will investigate uncertainties in modeling on-road transportation and and its effect on air quality.
  29. The Climate-KIC FuME project led by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), with LSCE (Laboratory of climate and environmental sciences), Cerea, Aria Technologies, Veolia Environment, Cuadrilla Resources, and National Grid as partners, which aims to develop new technologies to quantify methane emissions.
  30. The TEMMAS project (Télédétection - Mesures in-situ et Modélisation des polluants atmosphériques industriels) of ADEME, with the Office National d'Études et de Recherche Aérospatiale (ONERA), Total, the aerology laboratory of Toulouse, the environmental chemistry laboratory of Marseille and Air PACA.