AtmoData Namespace Reference

AtmoData namespace. More...


class  LaeaToLonlat
class  MM5LccIndToLonlat
class  LonlatToMM5LccInd
class  MM5MercIndToLonlat
class  LonlatToMM5MercInd
class  MM5StereIndToLonlat
class  LonlatToMM5StereInd
class  LonlatToWRFLccInd
class  LonlatToWRFMercInd
class  LonlatToWRFStereInd
class  EmepCountryEmission
 Stores an EMEP emission associated with a given country. More...
class  TimeZone
 Provides time zone offset from GMT for a list of countries. More...
class  FormatCSV
 Input/ouput class to read files in CSV format (Airparif). More...
class  FormatECMWF
 Input/ouput class to read files in binary format at ECMWF. More...
class  FormatMM5
 Input/ouput class to read MM5 files (version 3). More...
class  MM5SubHeader
 For MM5 sub-headers. More...


float swap (float &x)
int swap (int &x)
unsigned int swap (unsigned int &x)
unsigned long swap (unsigned long &x)
template<class T, int N>
void swap (Array< T, N > &A)
template<class T>
ComputeWesely (T surface_temperature, T solar_radiation, string species, T reactivity, T diffusivity, T Henry, T Ri, T Rlu, T Rac, T RgsS, T RgsO, T RclS, T RclO, T limit, T D_H2O)
template<class TL, class TD, class TEFI, class TEFT, class TEFN, class TI, class TT, class TN, class TG>
void ComputeBiogenicRates (Data< TL, 3, TG > &LUC, Data< TD, 1, TG > &Density, Data< TEFI, 1, TG > &EF_isoprene, Data< TEFT, 1, TG > &EF_terpenes, Data< TEFN, 1, TG > &EF_NO, Data< TI, 2, TG > &Isoprene, Data< TT, 2, TG > &Terpenes, Data< TN, 2, TG > &NO)
 Computes biogenic emissions rates.
template<class TTemp, class TP, class TL, class TD, class TEFI, class TEFT, class TEFN, class TI, class TT, class TN, class TG>
void ComputeBiogenicEmissions (Data< TTemp, 3, TG > &Temperature, Data< TP, 3, TG > &PAR, Data< TL, 3, TG > &LUC, Data< TD, 1, TG > &Density, Data< TEFI, 1, TG > &EF_isoprene, Data< TEFT, 1, TG > &EF_terpenes, Data< TEFN, 1, TG > &EF_NO, Data< TI, 3, TG > &Isoprene, Data< TT, 3, TG > &Terpenes, Data< TN, 3, TG > &NO)
 Computes biogenic emissions.
template<class real>
void GetTemporalFactors (string input_file, Data< real, 3 > &Factors)
 Reads temporal factors from a file.
template<class real>
void SpeciationAggregation (const vector< string > &Sp_emis_names, string aggregation_matrix, string speciation_directory, vector< string > &Sp_model_names, Data< real, 3 > &Species_factor)
 Computes speciation/aggregation factors.
template<class real>
void ComputeVerticalDistribution (const Data< real, 2 > &vertical_distribution_in, const RegularGrid< real > &GridZ_interf_in, const RegularGrid< real > &GridZ_interf_out, Data< real, 2 > &vertical_distribution_out)
 Computes vertical distribution factors.
template<class real>
void DividesByHeights (const RegularGrid< real > &GridZ_interf_out, Data< real, 2 > &vertical_distribution_out)
 Divides the vertical distribution by the heights.
template<class real>
void GridCorrespondences (const Data< int, 2, real > &LUC, Data< int, 2, real > &Nurb_emep, Data< int, 2, real > &Nwat_emep, Data< int, 2, real > &Nfor_emep, Data< int, 2, real > &Noth_emep, Data< int, 2, real > &Ntot_polair)
 Correspondence between Emep and Polair3D grids.
template<class real>
void ReadEmep (Date date, const vector< string > &Sp_emis_names, string input_directory, string input_file, const Data< real, 3 > &MonthlyFactors, const Data< real, 3 > &DailyFactors, const real &deposition_factor_nh3, Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &Emis_land, Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &Emis_water)
 Reads Emep standard files and applies monthly and daily factors.
template<class real>
void ReadModifiedEmep (Date date, const vector< string > &Sp_emis_names, string input_directory, const Data< real, 3 > &MonthlyFactors, const Data< real, 3 > &DailyFactors, const real &deposition_factor_nh3, Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &Emis_land, Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &Emis_water)
 Reads Emep modified files and applies monthly and daily factors.
template<class real>
void EmepToLatLon (const Data< int, 2, real > &LUC, const real Ratio_urb, const real Ratio_for, const real Ratio_oth, const Data< int, 2, real > &Nurb_emep, const Data< int, 2, real > &Nwat_emep, const Data< int, 2, real > &Nfor_emep, const Data< int, 2, real > &Noth_emep, const Data< int, 2, real > &Ntot_polair, Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &Emis_land, Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &Emis_water, Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &Emis_out)
 Computes emissions on a latitude-longitude grid.
template<class TL, class TD, class TEFI, class TEFT, class TEFN, class TI, class TT, class TN, class TG>
void ComputeBiogenicRates (Data< TL, 3, TG > &LUC, Data< TD, 3, TG > &Density, Data< TEFI, 1, TG > &EF_isoprene, Data< TEFT, 1, TG > &EF_terpenes, Data< TEFN, 1, TG > &EF_NO, Data< TL, 3, TG > &Isoprene, Data< TL, 3, TG > &Terpenes, Data< TL, 3, TG > &NO)
template<class TTemp, class TP, class TL, class TD, class TEFI, class TEFT, class TEFN, class TI, class TT, class TN, class TG>
void ComputeBiogenicEmissions (Data< TTemp, 3, TG > &Temperature, Data< TP, 3, TG > &PAR, Data< TL, 3, TG > &LUC, Data< TD, 3, TG > &Density, Data< TEFI, 1, TG > &EF_isoprene, Data< TEFT, 1, TG > &EF_terpenes, Data< TEFN, 1, TG > &EF_NO, Data< TL, 3, TG > &Isoprene, Data< TL, 3, TG > &Terpenes, Data< TL, 3, TG > &NO)
template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref NGE (Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref > data_ref, Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &data_comp, Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &test)
 Computes the normalized gross error between two data sets.
template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref Bias (Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref > data_ref, Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &data_comp, Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &test)
 Computes the bias between two data sets.
template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref RMS (Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref > data_ref, Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &data_comp, Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &test)
 Computes the root mean square between two data sets.
template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref RelativeRMS (Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref > data_ref, Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &data_comp, Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &test)
 Computes the relative root mean square between two data sets.
template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref Corr (Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref > data_ref, Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &data_comp, Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &test)
 Computes the correlation between two data sets.
template<class TU, class TV, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void ComputeLouisKz (Data< TU, 4, TG > &U, Data< TV, 4, TG > &V, Data< TTp, 4, TG > &Tp, Data< T, 4, TG > &Kz, T L0, T B, T C, T D, T z0, T a, T b, T delta_z0, T Ka)
 Computes vertical diffusion according to the Louis formula (1979).
template<class TU, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void ComputeLMO (const Data< TU, 3, TG > &FrictionModule, const Data< TTp, 3, TG > &SurfacePotentialTemperature, const Data< TTp, 4, TG > &PotentialTemperature, const Data< T, 3, TG > &SensibleHeat, const Data< T, 3, TG > &Evaporation, Data< T, 3, TG > &LMO, T Ka)
 Computes the Monin-Obukhov length.
template<class TT, class TTp, class TU, class T, class TG>
void ComputePBLH_TM (const Data< TT, 3, TG > &SurfaceTemperature, const Data< TTp, 3, TG > &SurfacePotentialTemperature, const Data< TTp, 4, TG > &PotentialTemperature, const Data< TU, 3, TG > &FrictionModule, const Data< TU, 4, TG > &WindModule, const Data< T, 3, TG > &SensibleHeat, const Data< T, 3, TG > &LMO, const Grid< TG > &GridZ_interf, Data< T, 3, TG > &BoundaryHeight, T SBL, T Ric, T C, T Ka)
 Computes the boundary layer height according to Troen & Mahrt.
template<class T, class TG>
void ComputePBLH_Richardson (const Data< T, 4, TG > &Richardson, const Grid< TG > &GridZ_interf, Data< T, 3, TG > &BoundaryHeight, T Ric)
 Computes the boundary layer height based on Richardson number.
template<class TU, class TT, class T, class TG>
void ComputeTM_Kz (const Data< TT, 3, TG > &SurfaceTemperature, const Data< TU, 3, TG > &FrictionModule, const Data< T, 3, TG > &SensibleHeat, const Data< T, 3, TG > &LMO, const Data< T, 3, TG > &BoundaryHeight, Data< T, 4, TG > &Kz, bool TM_stable, T SBL, T p, T Ka)
 Computes vertical diffusion according to the Troen and Mahrt (1986).
template<class T, class T0>
min (T x, T0 y)
 Returns the minimum of two elements.
template<class T, class T0>
max (T x, T0 y)
 Returns the maximum of two elements.
template<class TU, class TV, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void ComputeRichardson (Data< TU, 4, TG > &ZonalWind, Data< TV, 4, TG > &MeridionalWind, Data< TTp, 4, TG > &PotentialTemperature, Data< T, 4, TG > &Richardson, T wind_threshold)
 Computes the Richardson number.
template<class TU, class TV, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void ComputeRichardson (Data< TU, 4, TG > &ZonalWind, Data< TV, 4, TG > &MeridionalWind, Data< TTp, 4, TG > &PotentialTemperature, Data< T, 3, TG > &Richardson, T wind_threshold)
 Computes the Richardson number in the first layer.
template<class TU, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void ComputeRichardson (Data< TU, 3, TG > &WindModule, Data< TTp, 3, TG > &SurfacePotentialTemperature, Data< TTp, 4, TG > &PotentialTemperature, Data< T, 3, TG > &SurfaceRichardson, T wind_threshold)
 Computes the surface Richardson number.
template<class TR, class TU, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void ComputeRichardson (Data< TR, 2, TG > &Roughness, Data< TU, 3, TG > &WindModule, Data< TTp, 3, TG > &SurfacePotentialTemperature, Data< TTp, 4, TG > &PotentialTemperature, Data< T, 3, TG > &SurfaceRichardson, T wind_threshold)
 Computes the surface Richardson number.
template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputePotentialTemperature (Data< TT, 4, TG > &Temperature, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &PotentialTemperature, T P0, T cp, T r)
 Computes the potential temperature.
template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputePotentialTemperature (Data< TT, 3, TG > &Temperature, Data< TP, 3, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 3, TG > &PotentialTemperature, T P0, T cp, T r)
 Computes the potential temperature.
template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeTemperature (Data< TT, 4, TG > &PotentialTemperature, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &Temperature, T P0, T cp, T r)
 Computes the temperature.
template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeTemperature (Data< TT, 3, TG > &PotentialTemperature, Data< TP, 3, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 3, TG > &Temperature, T P0, T cp, T r)
 Computes the temperature.
template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeSaturationHumidity (Data< TT, 3, TG > &Temperature, Data< TP, 3, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 3, TG > &SaturationHumidity)
 Computes the saturation humidity.
template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeSaturationHumidity (Data< TT, 4, TG > &Temperature, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &SaturationHumidity)
 Computes the saturation humidity.
template<class TS, class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeRelativeHumidity (Data< TS, 4, TG > &SpecificHumidity, Data< TT, 4, TG > &Temperature, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &RelativeHumidity)
 Computes the relative humidity from the specific humidity.
template<class TS, class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeRelativeHumidity (Data< TS, 3, TG > &SpecificHumidity, Data< TT, 3, TG > &Temperature, Data< TP, 3, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 3, TG > &RelativeHumidity)
 Computes the relative humidity from the specific humidity.
template<class TH, class TS, class TW, class TL, class T, class TG>
void ComputeSurfaceHumidity_diag (Data< TH, 4, TG > &SpecificHumidity, Data< TS, 3, TG > &SaturationHumidity, Data< TW, 3, TG > &SoilWater, Data< TL, 3, TG > &LUC, int sea_index, Data< T, 3, TG > &SurfaceHumidity, T veg, T theta_cap)
 Computes the surface specific humidity.
template<class TS, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCriticalRelativeHumidity (Data< TS, 3, TG > &SurfacePressure, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &CriticalRelativeHumidity, T coeff0, T coeff1)
 Computes the critical relative humidity.
template<class TS, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCriticalRelativeHumidity_extended (Data< TS, 3, TG > &SurfacePressure, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &CriticalRelativeHumidity, T coeff0, T coeff1, T a0, T a1)
 Computes the critival relative humidity.
template<class TB, class TS, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCriticalRelativeHumidity (Data< TB, 3, TG > &BoundaryLayerHeight, Data< TS, 3, TG > &SurfacePressure, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &CriticalRelativeHumidity, T coeff0, T coeff1, T BL_CRH)
 Computes the critical relative humidity.
template<class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCriticalRelativeHumidity (Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &CriticalRelativeHumidity, T CRH_0, T CRH_1, T CRH_2, T P_0, T P_1)
 Computes the critical relative humidity.
template<class TR, class TC, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCloudFraction (Data< TR, 4, TG > &RelativeHumidity, Data< TC, 4, TG > &CriticalRelativeHumidity, Data< T, 4, TG > &CloudFraction)
 Computes the cloud fraction.
template<class TP, class TR, class TC, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCloudFraction (Data< TP, 3, TG > &BoundaryLayerHeight, Data< TR, 4, TG > &RelativeHumidity, Data< TC, 4, TG > &CriticalRelativeHumidity, Data< T, 4, TG > &CloudFraction)
 Computes the cloud fraction.
template<class TU, class TV, class T, class TG>
void ComputeModule (Data< TU, 4, TG > &U, Data< TV, 4, TG > &V, Data< T, 4, TG > &Module)
 Computes the module of a 2D-vectors field.
template<class TU, class TV, class T, class TG>
void ComputeModule (Data< TU, 4, TG > &U, Data< TV, 4, TG > &V, Data< T, 3, TG > &Module)
 Computes the module of a 2D-vectors field on the surface.
template<class TU, class TV, class T, class TG>
void ComputeModule (Data< TU, 3, TG > &U, Data< TV, 3, TG > &V, Data< T, 3, TG > &Module)
 Computes the module of a 2D-vectors field on the surface.
template<class TC, class TP, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCloudiness (Data< TC, 4, TG > &CloudFraction, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Grid< TG > &GridZ_interf, Data< int, 4 > &LowIndices, Data< int, 4 > &MediumIndices, Data< int, 4 > &HighIndices, Data< T, 3, TG > &LowCloudiness, Data< T, 3, TG > &MediumCloudiness, Data< T, 3, TG > &HighCloudiness, T P_0, T P_1)
 Computes low, medium and high cloudiness, cloud base and top.
template<class TP, class TH, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCloudHeight (Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< TH, 4, TG > &RelativeHumidity, T(CriticalRelativeHumidity)(const T &, const T &, const T &), Data< T, 3, TG > &CloudHeight)
 Computes the height of cloud basis.
template<class TH, class TCRH, class T, class TG>
void ComputeCloudHeight (Data< TH, 4, TG > &RelativeHumidity, Data< TCRH, 4, TG > &CriticalRelativeHumidity, Data< T, 3, TG > &CloudHeight)
 Computes the height of cloud basis.
template<class T, class TG>
void ComputeCloudHeight (Data< int, 4 > &LowIndices, Data< int, 4 > &MediumIndices, Data< int, 4 > &HighIndices, Grid< TG > &GridZ_interf, Data< T, 3, TG > &CloudHeight)
 Computes the height of cloud basis.
template<class T, class TLC, class TC>
void ComputeTotalCloudiness (Data< TLC, 3, T > &LowCloudiness, Data< TLC, 3, T > &MediumCloudiness, Data< TLC, 3, T > &HighCloudiness, Data< TC, 3, T > &Cloudiness)
 Computes the total cloudiness.
template<class TLC, class TC>
TC ComputeTotalCloudiness (TLC low_cloudiness, TLC medium_cloudiness, TLC high_cloudiness)
 Computes the total cloudiness at a given point.
template<class T>
string ComputePasquillStabilityClass (T surface_wind, T solar_radiation, T cloudiness, bool isday)
 Computes the Pasquill stability class (source: Turner 1969).
template<class Ta, class Tb, class TSP, class T, class TG>
void ComputePressure (Data< Ta, 1, TG > &alpha, Data< Tb, 1, TG > &beta, Data< TSP, 3, TG > &SurfacePressure, Data< T, 4, TG > &Pressure, T P0)
 Computes the pressure from the surface pressure.
template<class TPS, class TP, class TT, class T, class TG>
void ComputeHeight (Data< TPS, 3, TG > &SurfacePressure, Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< TT, 4, TG > &Temperature, Grid< T > &Height, T g, T r)
 Computes the altitudes from pressure and temperature fields.
template<class TP, class TT, class T, class TG>
void ComputeInterfHeight (Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< TT, 4, TG > &Temperature, Grid< T > &Height, bool ground_set, T g, T r)
template<class TP, class TT, class T, class TG>
void ComputeMiddleHeight (Data< TP, 4, TG > &Pressure, Data< TT, 4, TG > &Temperature, Grid< T > &InterfHeight, Grid< T > &MiddleHeight, T g, T r)
template<class TT, class TH, class T, class TG>
void ComputeVirtualTemperature (Data< TT, 4, TG > &Temperature, Data< TH, 4, TG > &SpecificHumidity, Data< T, 4, TG > &VirtualTemperature, T c)
 Computes the virtual temperature.
template<class T>
ZenithAngle (T lon, T lat, Date date, T ut)
template<class TH, class TL, class TMC, class THC, class T, class TG>
void ComputeAttenuation_LWC (Data< TH, 4, TG > &Humidity, Data< TH, 4, TG > &CRH, Data< TL, 4, TG > &LiquidWaterContent, Data< TMC, 3, TG > &MediumCloudiness, Data< THC, 3, TG > &HighCloudiness, Date date_beg, T Delta_t, Data< T, 4, TG > &Attenuation)
 Computes the cloud attenuation for photolysis rates.
template<class TL, class TMC, class THC, class T, class TG>
void ComputeAttenuation_LWC (Data< TL, 4, TG > &LiquidWaterContent, Data< int, 4 > LowIndices, Data< int, 4 > MediumIndices, Data< int, 4 > HighIndices, Data< TMC, 3, TG > &MediumCloudiness, Data< THC, 3, TG > &HighCloudiness, Date date_beg, T Delta_t, Data< T, 4, TG > &Attenuation)
 Computes the cloud attenuation for photolysis rates.
template<class TMC, class THC, class TG, class TH, class T>
void ComputeAttenuation_ESQUIF (Data< TMC, 3, TG > &MediumCloudiness, Data< THC, 3, TG > &HighCloudiness, Data< TH, 4, TG > &RelativeHumidity, Data< T, 4, TG > &Attenuation, T a, T b, T c)
 Computes the cloud attenuation for photolysis rates, following the.
template<class T, class TG>
void TransformZonalWind (Data< T, 4, TG > &ZonalWind)
 Transforms the zonal wind for Polair.
template<class T, class TG>
void TransformMeridionalWind (Data< T, 4, TG > &MeridionalWind)
 Transforms the meridional wind for Polair.
template<class T>
void ComputeDeclination (Date date, T ut, T &declination, T &time_equation)
 Computes the sun declination and the equation of time at a given date.
template<class T>
void ComputeDeclination (int idate, T ut, T &declination, T &time_equation)
 Computes the sun declination and the equation of time at a given date.
template<class T>
void ComputeSunHour (T lon, T lat, int idate, T &sunrise_hour, T &sunset_hour)
 Computes the hours of sunrise and sunset at a given location and date.
template<class T>
ComputeSunriseHour (T lon, T lat, int idate)
 Computes the hour of sunrise at a given location and date.
template<class T>
ComputeSunsetHour (T lon, T lat, int idate)
 Computes the hour of sunset at a given location and date.
template<class T>
bool IsDay (T lon, T lat, int idate, T ut)
 Checks whether it is nighttime or daytime at a given location and time.
template<class T>
bool IsDay (T lon, T lat, Date date)
 Checks whether it is nighttime or daytime at a given location and time.
template<class T, int N, class TG>
void Decumulate (Data< T, N, TG > &data, int length, int start)
 Decumulates data.

Detailed Description

AtmoData namespace.

Function Documentation

template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref AtmoData::Bias ( Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref >  data_ref,
Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &  data_comp,
Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &  test 

Computes the bias between two data sets.

data_ref reference data.
data_comp data to be compared with 'data_ref'.
test boolean function with two parameters; the i-th elements of 'data_ref' and 'data_comp' are taken into account if 'test(data_ref(i), data_comp(i))' is true.
The bias.

template<class TMC, class THC, class TG, class TH, class T>
void AtmoData::ComputeAttenuation_ESQUIF ( Data< TMC, 3, TG > &  MediumCloudiness,
Data< THC, 3, TG > &  HighCloudiness,
Data< TH, 4, TG > &  RelativeHumidity,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Attenuation,
a = 0.1,
b = 0.3,
c = 1.5 

Computes the cloud attenuation for photolysis rates, following the.

Formula : Attenuation = (1 - a * HighCloudiness) * (1 - b * MediumCloudiness) * exp(-c * B)

MediumCloudiness medium cloudiness (in [0, 1]).
HighCloudiness high cloudiness (in [0, 1]).
RelativeHumidity relative humidity (kg/kg).
Attenuation (output) cloud attenuation coefficient.
a coefficient (see the formula). Default : 0.1.
b coefficient (see the formula). Default : 0.3.
c coefficient (see the formula). Default : 1.5.

template<class TL, class TMC, class THC, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeAttenuation_LWC ( Data< TL, 4, TG > &  LiquidWaterContent,
Data< int, 4 >  LowIndices,
Data< int, 4 >  MediumIndices,
Data< int, 4 >  HighIndices,
Data< TMC, 3, TG > &  MediumCloudiness,
Data< THC, 3, TG > &  HighCloudiness,
Date  date_beg,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Attenuation 

Computes the cloud attenuation for photolysis rates.

LiquidWaterContent liquid water content (kg/m^3).
LowIndices vertical indices of base and top of low clouds.
MediumIndices vertical indices of base and top of medium clouds.
HighIndices vertical indices of base and top of high clouds.
MediumCloudiness medium cloudiness (in [0, 1]).
HighCloudiness high cloudiness (in [0, 1]). relative humidity as function of the altitude, the pressure and reference pressure.
date_beg beginning date for the computation of attenuation.
Delta_t time step for the computation of attenuation.
Attenuation (output) cloud attenuation coefficient.
Dimensions of LowIndices, MediumIndices and HighIndices are Nt x Ny x Nx x 2. Along the last dimension, those arrays store the index of the cloud base and the index of the cloud top (in this order). Those indices are indices of interfaces. E.g., if LowIndices(t, y, x, 0) equals 2 and LowIndices(t, y, x, 1) equals 4, then a cloud lies in layers 2 and 3.

template<class TH, class TL, class TMC, class THC, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeAttenuation_LWC ( Data< TH, 4, TG > &  Humidity,
Data< TH, 4, TG > &  CRH,
Data< TL, 4, TG > &  LiquidWaterContent,
Data< TMC, 3, TG > &  MediumCloudiness,
Data< THC, 3, TG > &  HighCloudiness,
Date  date_beg,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Attenuation 

Computes the cloud attenuation for photolysis rates.

Humidity relative humidity.
CRH critical relative humidity.
LiquidWaterContent liquid water content (kg/m^3).
MediumCloudiness medium cloudiness (in [0, 1]).
HighCloudiness high cloudiness (in [0, 1]).
date_beg beginning date for the computation of attenuation.
Delta_t time step for the computation of attenuation.
Attenuation (output) cloud attenuation coefficient.

template<class TTemp, class TP, class TL, class TD, class TEFI, class TEFT, class TEFN, class TI, class TT, class TN, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeBiogenicEmissions ( Data< TTemp, 3, TG > &  Temperature,
Data< TP, 3, TG > &  PAR,
Data< TL, 3, TG > &  LUC,
Data< TD, 1, TG > &  Density,
Data< TEFI, 1, TG > &  EF_isoprene,
Data< TEFT, 1, TG > &  EF_terpenes,
Data< TEFN, 1, TG > &  EF_NO,
Data< TI, 3, TG > &  Isoprene,
Data< TT, 3, TG > &  Terpenes,
Data< TN, 3, TG > &  NO 

Computes biogenic emissions.

Computes biogenic emissions according to Simpson et al. (1999).

Temperature soil or leaf temperature.
PAR Photosynthetically active radiation.
LUC Land use coverage.
Density densities of the land categories.
EF_isoprene isoprene emission factors ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
EF_terpenes terpenes emission factors ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
EF_NO NO emission factors ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
Isoprene (output) isoprene emissions ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
Terpenes (output) terpenes emissions ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
NO (output) NO emissions ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).

template<class TL, class TD, class TEFI, class TEFT, class TEFN, class TI, class TT, class TN, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeBiogenicRates ( Data< TL, 3, TG > &  LUC,
Data< TD, 1, TG > &  Density,
Data< TEFI, 1, TG > &  EF_isoprene,
Data< TEFT, 1, TG > &  EF_terpenes,
Data< TEFN, 1, TG > &  EF_NO,
Data< TI, 2, TG > &  Isoprene,
Data< TT, 2, TG > &  Terpenes,
Data< TN, 2, TG > &  NO 

Computes biogenic emissions rates.

Computes biogenic emission rates according to Simpson et al. (1999).

LUC Land use coverage ([0, 1]).
Density densities of the land categories.
EF_isoprene isoprene emission factors ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
EF_terpenes terpenes emission factors ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
EF_NO NO emission factors ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
Isoprene (output) isoprene emission rates ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
Terpenes (output) terpenes emission rates ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).
NO (output) NO emission rates ( g . m^{-2} . s^{-1}).

template<class TP, class TR, class TC, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCloudFraction ( Data< TP, 3, TG > &  BoundaryLayerHeight,
Data< TR, 4, TG > &  RelativeHumidity,
Data< TC, 4, TG > &  CriticalRelativeHumidity,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  CloudFraction 

Computes the cloud fraction.

Formula: inside the boundary layer, CloudFraction = 0.34 * [ (RelativeHumidity - CriticalRelativeHumidity) / (1.0 - CriticalRelativeHumidity) ] and, above the boundary layer, CloudFraction = [ (RelativeHumidity - CriticalRelativeHumidity) / (1.0 - CriticalRelativeHumidity) ]^2

BoundaryLayerHeight boundary layer height (m).
RelativeHumidity relative humidity.
CriticalRelativeHumidity critical relative humidity.
CloudFraction (output) cloud fraction.

template<class TR, class TC, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCloudFraction ( Data< TR, 4, TG > &  RelativeHumidity,
Data< TC, 4, TG > &  CriticalRelativeHumidity,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  CloudFraction 

Computes the cloud fraction.

Formula: CloudFraction = [ (RelativeHumidity - CriticalRelativeHumidity) / (1.0 - CriticalRelativeHumidity) ]^2

RelativeHumidity relative humidity.
CriticalRelativeHumidity critical relative humidity.
CloudFraction (output) cloud fraction.

template<class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCloudHeight ( Data< int, 4 > &  LowIndices,
Data< int, 4 > &  MediumIndices,
Data< int, 4 > &  HighIndices,
Grid< TG > &  GridZ_interf,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  CloudHeight 

Computes the height of cloud basis.

LowIndices vertical indices of base and top of low clouds.
MediumIndices vertical indices of base and top of medium clouds.
HighIndices vertical indices of base and top of high clouds.
GridZ_interf altitudes of interfaces (m).
CloudHeight (output) altitudes of cloud basis.
Dimensions of LowIndices, MediumIndices and HighIndices are Nt x Ny x Nx x 2. Along the last dimension, those arrays store the index of the cloud base and the index of the cloud top (in this order). Those indices are indices of interfaces. E.g., if LowIndices(t, y, x, 0) equals 2 and LowIndices(t, y, x, 1) equals 4, then a cloud lies in layers 2 and 3.

template<class TH, class TCRH, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCloudHeight ( Data< TH, 4, TG > &  RelativeHumidity,
Data< TCRH, 4, TG > &  CriticalRelativeHumidity,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  CloudHeight 

Computes the height of cloud basis.

RelativeHumidity relative humidity (kg/kg).
CriticalRelativeHumidity critical relative humidity.
CloudHeight (output) altitudes of cloud basis.

template<class TP, class TH, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCloudHeight ( Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< TH, 4, TG > &  RelativeHumidity,
T(CriticalRelativeHumidity)(const T &, const T &,const T &)  ,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  CloudHeight 

Computes the height of cloud basis.

Pressure pressure (Pa).
RelativeHumidity relative humidity (kg/kg).
CriticalRelativeHumidity function that returns the critical relative humidity as function of the altitude, the pressure and reference pressure.
CloudHeight (output) altitudes of cloud basis.

template<class TC, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCloudiness ( Data< TC, 4, TG > &  CloudFraction,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Grid< TG > &  GridZ_interf,
Data< int, 4 > &  LowIndices,
Data< int, 4 > &  MediumIndices,
Data< int, 4 > &  HighIndices,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  LowCloudiness,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  MediumCloudiness,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  HighCloudiness,
P_0 = 80000.,
P_1 = 45000. 

Computes low, medium and high cloudiness, cloud base and top.

CloudFraction cloud fraction.
Pressure pressure (Pa).
GridZ_interf altitudes of interfaces (m).
LowIndices (output) vertical indices of base and top of low clouds.
MediumIndices (output) vertical indices of base and top of medium clouds.
HighIndices (output) vertical indices of base and top of high clouds.
LowCloudiness (output) low cloudiness.
MediumCloudiness (output) medium cloudiness.
HighCloudiness (output) high cloudiness.
P_0 first pressure limit. Default: 80 000 Pa.
P_1 second pressure limit. Default: 45 000 Pa.
Dimensions of LowIndices, MediumIndices and HighIndices are Nt x Ny x Nx x 2. Along the last dimension, those arrays store the index of the cloud base and the index of the cloud top (in this order). Those indices are indices of interfaces. E.g., if LowIndices(t, y, x, 0) equals 2 and LowIndices(t, y, x, 1) equals 4, then a cloud lies in layers 2 and 3.

template<class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCriticalRelativeHumidity ( Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  CriticalRelativeHumidity,
CRH_0 = 0.75,
CRH_1 = 0.95,
CRH_2 = 0.95,
P_0 = 70000.,
P_1 = 40000. 

Computes the critical relative humidity.

The relative humidity is set to CRH_0 if Pressure > P_0, to CRH_1 if P_0 >= Pressure > P_1 and to CRH_2 otherwise.

Pressure pressure (Pa).
CriticalRelativeHumidity (output) critical relative humidity.
CRH_0 critical relative humidity in the first layer. Default: 0.75.
CRH_1 critical relative humidity in the second layer. Default: 0.95.
CRH_2 critical relative humidity in the third layer. Default: 0.95.
P_0 first pressure limit. Default: 70 000 Pa.
P_1 second pressure limit. Default: 40 000 Pa.

template<class TB, class TS, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCriticalRelativeHumidity ( Data< TB, 3, TG > &  BoundaryLayerHeight,
Data< TS, 3, TG > &  SurfacePressure,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  CriticalRelativeHumidity,
coeff0 = 2.,
coeff1 = sqrt(3.),
BL_CRH = 0.98 

Computes the critical relative humidity.

Formula: inside the boundary layer, CriticalRelativeHumidity = BL_CRH and, above the boundary layer, CriticalRelativeHumidity = 1.0 - coeff0 * sig (1.0 - sig) * (1.0 + (sig - 0.5) * coeff1) where sig = Pressure / SurfacePressure.

BoundaryLayerHeight boundary layer height (m).
SurfacePressure surface pressure (Pa).
Pressure pressure (Pa).
CriticalRelativeHumidity (output) critical relative humidity.
coeff0 coefficient (see the formula). Default: 2.0.
coeff1 coefficient (see the formula). Default: sqrt(3.).
BL_CRH critical relative humidity within the boundary layer. Default: 0.98.

template<class TS, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCriticalRelativeHumidity ( Data< TS, 3, TG > &  SurfacePressure,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  CriticalRelativeHumidity,
coeff0 = 2.,
coeff1 = sqrt(3.) 

Computes the critical relative humidity.

Formula: CriticalRelativeHumidity = 1.0 - coeff0 * sig (1.0 - sig) * (1.0 + (sig - 0.5) * coeff1) where sig = Pressure / SurfacePressure.

SurfacePressure surface pressure (Pa).
Pressure pressure (Pa).
CriticalRelativeHumidity (output) critical relative humidity.
coeff0 coefficient (see the formula). Default: 2.0.
coeff1 coefficient (see the formula). Default: sqrt(3.).

template<class TS, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeCriticalRelativeHumidity_extended ( Data< TS, 3, TG > &  SurfacePressure,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  CriticalRelativeHumidity,
coeff0 = 1.1,
coeff1 = sqrt(1.3),
a0 = 0.,
a1 = 1.1 

Computes the critival relative humidity.

Extended formula: CriticalRelativeHumidity = 1.0 - coeff0 * sig^a0 (1.0 - sig)^a1 * (1.0 + (sig - 0.5) * coeff1) where sig = Pressure / SurfacePressure.

SurfacePressure surface pressure (Pa).
Pressure pressure (Pa).
CriticalRelativeHumidity (output) critical relative humidity.
coeff0 coefficient (see the formula). Default: 1.1.
coeff1 coefficient (see the formula). Default: sqrt(1.3).
a0 exponent (see the formula). Default: 0.0.
a1 exponent (see the formula). Default: 1.1.

template<class T>
void AtmoData::ComputeDeclination ( int  idate,
T &  declination,
T &  time_equation 

Computes the sun declination and the equation of time at a given date.

Calculates solar declination and equation of time for a given date. Calculation is based on equations given in: Paltridge and Platt, Radiative Processes in Meteorology and Climatology, Elsevier, pp. 62,63, 1976. Fourier coefficients originally from: Spencer, J.W., 1971, Fourier series representation of the position of the sun, Search, 2:172. Note: This approximate program does not account for changes from year to year

idate date in the form YYYYMMDD.
ut local time in decimal UT (e.g., 16.25 means 15 minutes after 4 pm).
declination (output) sun declination (radians).
time_equation (output) equation of time (radians).

template<class T>
void AtmoData::ComputeDeclination ( Date  date,
T &  declination,
T &  time_equation 

Computes the sun declination and the equation of time at a given date.

Calculates solar declination and equation of time for a given date. Calculation is based on equations given in: Paltridge and Platt, Radiative Processes in Meteorology and Climatology, Elsevier, pp. 62,63, 1976. Fourier coefficients originally from: Spencer, J.W., 1971, Fourier series representation of the position of the sun, Search, 2:172. Note: This approximate program does not account for changes from year to year

date date in the form YYYYMMDD.
ut local time in decimal UT (e.g., 16.25 means 15 minutes after 4 pm).
declination (output) sun declination (radians).
time_equation (output) equation of time (radians).

template<class TPS, class TP, class TT, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeHeight ( Data< TPS, 3, TG > &  SurfacePressure,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< TT, 4, TG > &  Temperature,
Grid< T > &  Height,
g = 9.80665,
r = 287.0 

Computes the altitudes from pressure and temperature fields.

Level heights are computed according to: Z_{k+1} = Z_k + (r * T_k / g) * log(P_k/P_{k+1}) where Z is the altitude, T the temperature, P the pressure, k the level index, r the molar gas constant for dry air and g the standard gravity.

For the first level, Z_0 = r * T_0 / g * log(PS / P_0)
where PS is the surface pressure.
SurfacePressure surface pressure (Pa).
Pressure pressure (Pa).
Temperature temperature (K).
Height (output) altitudes (m).
g (optional) standard gravity. Default: 9.80665.
r (optional) molar gas constant for dry air. Default: 287.0.
Temperature, Pressure and Height must be defined on the same grid.

template<class TP, class TT, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeInterfHeight ( Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< TT, 4, TG > &  Temperature,
Grid< T > &  Height,
bool  ground_set = false,
g = 9.80665,
r = 287.0 

Level heights are computed according to: Z_{k+1/2} = Z_{k-1/2} - (r * T_k / g) * log(P_{k+1/2}/P_{k-1/2}) where Z is the altitude, T the temperature, P the pressure, k the level index, r the molar gas constant for dry air and g the standard gravity.

Pressure pressure (Pa).
Temperature temperature (K).
Height (output) altitudes (m).
g (optional) standard gravity. Default: 9.80665.
r (optional) molar gas constant for dry air. Default: 287.0.
ground_set (optional) true if ground-level altitudes are set, false if they have to be set (they are set to zero in this case). Default: false.
Temperature is provided at middle points (not interfaces). Pressure and Height are defined at interfaces (including ground-level).

template<class TU, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeLMO ( const Data< TU, 3, TG > &  FrictionModule,
const Data< TTp, 3, TG > &  SurfacePotentialTemperature,
const Data< TTp, 4, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
const Data< T, 3, TG > &  SensibleHeat,
const Data< T, 3, TG > &  Evaporation,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  LMO,
Ka = T(0.4) 

Computes the Monin-Obukhov length.

FrictionModule friction module.
SurfacePotentialTemperature surface potential temperature.
PotentialTemperature potential temperature.
SensibleHeat sensible heat.
Evaporation evaporation.
LMO (output) Monin-Obukhov length.
Ka Von Karman constant. Default: 0.4.

template<class TU, class TV, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeLouisKz ( Data< TU, 4, TG > &  U,
Data< TV, 4, TG > &  V,
Data< TTp, 4, TG > &  Tp,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Kz,
L0 = T(100),
B = T(5),
C = T(5),
D = T(5),
z0 = T(1),
a = T(0.115),
b = T(0.175),
delta_z0 = T(0.01),
Ka = T(0.4) 

Computes vertical diffusion according to the Louis formula (1979).

U zonal wind.
V meridional wind.
Tp potential temperature.
Kz (output) vertical diffusion coefficients at the interfaces.
L0 scale parameter. Default: 100.
B parameter. Default: 5.
C parameter. Default: 5.
D parameter. Default: 5.
z0 scale parameter. Default: 1.
a parameter. Default: 0.115.
b parameter. Default: 0.175.
delta_z0 parameter. Default: 0.01.
Ka Von Karman constant. Default: 0.4.
Kz is given at the interfaces. It is assumed to be 0 at the first interface and at the last one.

The critical Richardson number is computed following Pielke (2002) and Nordeng (1986): Ric = a * (delta_z / delta_z0)^b.

template<class TP, class TT, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeMiddleHeight ( Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< TT, 4, TG > &  Temperature,
Grid< T > &  InterfHeight,
Grid< T > &  MiddleHeight,
g = 9.80665,
r = 287.0 

Level heights are computed according to: Z_k = Z_{k-1/2} + a_k * r / g * T_k where Z is the altitude, T the temperature, k the level index, r the molar gas constant for dry air, g the standard gravity and: a_k = 1 - P_{k+1/2} / (P_{k-1/2} - P_{k+1/2}) * log(P_{k-1/2} / P_{k+1/2})

Pressure pressure (Pa).
Temperature temperature (Pa).
InterfHeight (output) altitudes of interfaces (m).
MiddleHeight (output) altitudes of middle points (m).
g (optional) standard gravity. Default: 9.80665.
r (optional) molar gas constant for dry air. Default: 287.0.
Temperature is provided at middle points (not interfaces). Pressure is defined at interfaces (including ground-level).

template<class TU, class TV, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeModule ( Data< TU, 3, TG > &  U,
Data< TV, 3, TG > &  V,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  Module 

Computes the module of a 2D-vectors field on the surface.

This function was initially dedicated to winds. In this case, zonal winds and meridional winds are provided and the module of the wind is computed (assuming that the vertical wind is zero). Winds may be provided in two ways. The first option is to provide winds on interfaces (along x for the zonal wind, along y for the meridional wind). The second option is simply to provide winds at nodes (i.e. where the module is defined).

U first component of vectors.
V second component of vectors.
Module (output) surface module.

template<class TU, class TV, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeModule ( Data< TU, 4, TG > &  U,
Data< TV, 4, TG > &  V,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  Module 

Computes the module of a 2D-vectors field on the surface.

This function was initially dedicated to winds. In this case, zonal winds and meridional winds are provided and the module of the wind is computed (assuming that the vertical wind is zero). Winds may be provided in two ways. The first option is to provide winds on interfaces (along x for the zonal wind, along y for the meridional wind). The second option is simply to provide winds at nodes (i.e. where the module is defined).

U first component of vectors.
V second component of vectors.
Module (output) surface module.

template<class TU, class TV, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeModule ( Data< TU, 4, TG > &  U,
Data< TV, 4, TG > &  V,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Module 

Computes the module of a 2D-vectors field.

This function was initially dedicated to winds. In this case, zonal winds and meridional winds are provided and the module of the wind is computed (assuming that the vertical wind is zero). Winds may be provided in two ways. The first option is to provide winds on interfaces (along x for the zonal wind, along y for the meridional wind). The second option is simply to provide winds at nodes (i.e. where the module is defined).

U first component of vectors.
V second component of vectors.
Module (output) module.

template<class T>
string AtmoData::ComputePasquillStabilityClass ( surface_wind,
bool  isday 

Computes the Pasquill stability class (source: Turner 1969).

surface_wind wind speed at 10 meters (m/s).
solar_radiation solar radiation (W.m^{-2}).
cloudiness cloudiness in [0, 1].
isday Boolean equal to true if it is daytime, false otherwise.
the Pasquill stability class (A, B, C, D, E or F).
the conditions of dual stability classes like A-B, B-C or C-D are considered as B, C and D respectively.

template<class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputePBLH_Richardson ( const Data< T, 4, TG > &  Richardson,
const Grid< TG > &  GridZ_interf,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  BoundaryHeight,
Ric = T(0.21) 

Computes the boundary layer height based on Richardson number.

Richardson Richardson number.
GridZ_interf altitudes of interfaces (m).
BoundaryHeight (output) boundary layer height.
Ric critical Richardson number. Default: 0.21.

template<class TT, class TTp, class TU, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputePBLH_TM ( const Data< TT, 3, TG > &  SurfaceTemperature,
const Data< TTp, 3, TG > &  SurfacePotentialTemperature,
const Data< TTp, 4, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
const Data< TU, 3, TG > &  FrictionModule,
const Data< TU, 4, TG > &  WindModule,
const Data< T, 3, TG > &  SensibleHeat,
const Data< T, 3, TG > &  LMO,
const Grid< TG > &  GridZ_interf,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  BoundaryHeight,
SBL = T(0.1),
Ric = T(0.21),
C = T(6.5),
Ka = T(0.4) 

Computes the boundary layer height according to Troen & Mahrt.

SurfaceTemperature surface temperature.
SurfacePotentialTemperature surface potential temperature.
PotentialTemperature potential temperature.
FrictionModule friction module.
WindModule wind module.
SensibleHeat sensible heat.
LMO Monin-Obukhov length.
GridZ_interf altitudes of interfaces (m).
BoundaryHeight (output) boundary layer height.
SBL Ratio between the SBL and the PBL. Default: 0.1.
Ric critical Richardson number. Default: 0.21.
C Troen & Mahrt coefficient. Default: 6.5.
Ka Von Karman constant. Default: 0.4.

template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputePotentialTemperature ( Data< TT, 3, TG > &  Temperature,
Data< TP, 3, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
P0 = 101325.,
cp = 1005.,
r = 287.0 

Computes the potential temperature.

Formula: PotentialTemperature = Temperature * (Pressure / P0)^(-r/cp).

Temperature temperature (or virtual temperature).
Pressure pressure.
PotentialTemperature (output) potential temperature.
P0 (optional) standard pressure. Default: 101325 Pa.
cp (optional) specific heat of dry air at constant pressure. Default: 1005^{-1}.K^{-1}.
r (optional) molar gas constant for air. Default: 287.0^{-1}.K^{-1}.

template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputePotentialTemperature ( Data< TT, 4, TG > &  Temperature,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
P0 = 101325.,
cp = 1005.,
r = 287.0 

Computes the potential temperature.

Formula: PotentialTemperature = Temperature * (Pressure / P0)^(-r/cp).

Temperature temperature (or virtual temperature).
Pressure pressure.
PotentialTemperature (output) potential temperature.
P0 (optional) standard pressure. Default: 101325 Pa.
cp (optional) specific heat of dry air at constant pressure. Default: 1005^{-1}.K^{-1}.
r (optional) molar gas constant for air. Default: 287.0^{-1}.K^{-1}.

template<class Ta, class Tb, class TSP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputePressure ( Data< Ta, 1, TG > &  alpha,
Data< Tb, 1, TG > &  beta,
Data< TSP, 3, TG > &  SurfacePressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
P0 = 101325. 

Computes the pressure from the surface pressure.

Formula: Pressure_k = alpha_k * P0 + beta_k * SurfacePressure, where k is the level index.

alpha coefficients.
beta coefficients.
SurfacePressure surface pressure.
Pressure (output) pressure.
P0 (optional) standard pressure. Default: 101325 Pa.

template<class TS, class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeRelativeHumidity ( Data< TS, 3, TG > &  SpecificHumidity,
Data< TT, 3, TG > &  Temperature,
Data< TP, 3, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  RelativeHumidity 

Computes the relative humidity from the specific humidity.

SpecificHumidity specific humidity (kg/kg).
Temperature temperature (or virtual temperature) (K).
Pressure pressure (Pa).
RelativeHumidity (output) relative humidity.

template<class TS, class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeRelativeHumidity ( Data< TS, 4, TG > &  SpecificHumidity,
Data< TT, 4, TG > &  Temperature,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  RelativeHumidity 

Computes the relative humidity from the specific humidity.

SpecificHumidity specific humidity (kg/kg).
Temperature temperature (or virtual temperature) (K).
Pressure pressure (Pa).
RelativeHumidity (output) relative humidity.

template<class TR, class TU, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeRichardson ( Data< TR, 2, TG > &  Roughness,
Data< TU, 3, TG > &  WindModule,
Data< TTp, 3, TG > &  SurfacePotentialTemperature,
Data< TTp, 4, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  SurfaceRichardson,
wind_threshold = 0.001 

Computes the surface Richardson number.

Computes the surface Richardson number.

Roughness roughness height.
WindModule wind module in the first layer.
SurfacePotentialTemperature surface potential temperature.
PotentialTemperature potential temperature.
SurfaceRichardson (output) surface Richardson number.
wind_threshold (optional) minimum of the wind module. Default: 0.001.

template<class TU, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeRichardson ( Data< TU, 3, TG > &  WindModule,
Data< TTp, 3, TG > &  SurfacePotentialTemperature,
Data< TTp, 4, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  SurfaceRichardson,
wind_threshold = 0.001 

Computes the surface Richardson number.

Computes the surface Richardson number.

WindModule wind module in the first layer.
SurfacePotentialTemperature surface potential temperature.
PotentialTemperature potential temperature.
SurfaceRichardson (output) surface Richardson number.
wind_threshold (optional) minimum of the wind shear. Default: 0.001.

template<class TU, class TV, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeRichardson ( Data< TU, 4, TG > &  ZonalWind,
Data< TV, 4, TG > &  MeridionalWind,
Data< TTp, 4, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  Richardson,
wind_threshold = 0.001 

Computes the Richardson number in the first layer.

Winds may be provided in two ways. The first option is to provide winds on interfaces (along x for the zonal wind, along y for the meridional wind). The second option is simply to provide winds at nodes (i.e. where the potential temperature and the Richardson number are defined).

ZonalWind zonal wind.
MeridionalWind meridional wind.
PotentialTemperature potential temperature.
Richardson (output) Richardson number in the first layer.
wind_threshold (optional) minimum of the wind shear. Default:0.001.

template<class TU, class TV, class TTp, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeRichardson ( Data< TU, 4, TG > &  ZonalWind,
Data< TV, 4, TG > &  MeridionalWind,
Data< TTp, 4, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Richardson,
wind_threshold = 0.001 

Computes the Richardson number.

Winds may be provided in two ways. The first option is to provide winds on interfaces (along x for the zonal wind, along y for the meridional wind). The second option is simply to provide winds at nodes (i.e. where the potential temperature and the Richardson number are defined).

ZonalWind zonal wind.
MeridionalWind meridional wind.
PotentialTemperature potential temperature.
Richardson (output) Richardson number.
wind_threshold (optional) minimum of the wind shear. Default:0.001.

template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeSaturationHumidity ( Data< TT, 4, TG > &  Temperature,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  SaturationHumidity 

Computes the saturation humidity.

Temperature temperature (or virtual temperature) (K).
Pressure pressure (Pa).
SaturationHumidity (output) saturation humidity (kg/kg).

template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeSaturationHumidity ( Data< TT, 3, TG > &  Temperature,
Data< TP, 3, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  SaturationHumidity 

Computes the saturation humidity.

Temperature temperature (or virtual temperature) (K).
Pressure pressure (Pa).
SaturationHumidity (output) saturation humidity (kg/kg).

template<class T>
void AtmoData::ComputeSunHour ( lon,
int  idate,
T &  sunrise_hour,
T &  sunset_hour 

Computes the hours of sunrise and sunset at a given location and date.

lon longitude of location (degrees).
lat latitude of location (degrees).
idate date in the form YYYYMMDD.
sunrise_hour (output) hour of sunrise in decimal UT (greenwich mean time).
sunset_hour (output) hour of sunset in decimal UT (greenwich mean time).

template<class T>
T AtmoData::ComputeSunriseHour ( lon,
int  idate 

Computes the hour of sunrise at a given location and date.

lon longitude of location (degrees).
lat latitude of location (degrees).
idate date in the form YYYYMMDD.
the hour of sunrise in decimal UT.

template<class T>
T AtmoData::ComputeSunsetHour ( lon,
int  idate 

Computes the hour of sunset at a given location and date.

lon longitude of location (degrees).
lat latitude of location (degrees).
idate date in the form YYYYMMDD.
the hour of sunset in decimal UT.

template<class TH, class TS, class TW, class TL, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeSurfaceHumidity_diag ( Data< TH, 4, TG > &  SpecificHumidity,
Data< TS, 3, TG > &  SaturationHumidity,
Data< TW, 3, TG > &  SoilWater,
Data< TL, 3, TG > &  LUC,
int  sea_index,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  SurfaceHumidity,
veg = 1.0,
theta_cap = 0.323 

Computes the surface specific humidity.

SpecificHumidity specific humidity (kg/kg).
SaturationHumidity saturation humidity (kg/kg).
SoilWater volumetric soil water content (m^3/m^3).
LUC land use coverage in format Nc x Ny x Nx where Nc is the number of land use categories. LUC(c, j, i) is the relative surface (in [0, 1]) of the category c in the cell (j, i).
sea_index index of the sea category in LUC.
SurfaceHumidity (output) surface specific humidity (kg/kg).
veg (optional) the vegetation proportion (in [0, 1]) on the ground. Default: 1.0.
theta_cap (optional) soil moisture at field capacity (m^3/m^3). Default: 0.323 m^3/m^3.

template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeTemperature ( Data< TT, 3, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
Data< TP, 3, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 3, TG > &  Temperature,
P0 = 101325.,
cp = 1005.,
r = 287.0 

Computes the temperature.

Formula: Temperature = PotentialTemperature * (Pressure / P0)^(r/cp).

PotentialTemperature potential temperature.
Pressure pressure.
Temperature (output) temperature (or virtual temperature).
P0 (optional) standard pressure. Default: 101325 Pa.
cp (optional) specific heat of dry air at constant pressure. Default: 1005^{-1}.K^{-1}.
r (optional) molar gas constant for air. Default: 287.0^{-1}.K^{-1}.

template<class TT, class TP, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeTemperature ( Data< TT, 4, TG > &  PotentialTemperature,
Data< TP, 4, TG > &  Pressure,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Temperature,
P0 = 101325.,
cp = 1005.,
r = 287.0 

Computes the temperature.

Formula: Temperature = PotentialTemperature * (Pressure / P0)^(r/cp).

PotentialTemperature potential temperature.
Pressure pressure.
Temperature (output) temperature (or virtual temperature).
P0 (optional) standard pressure. Default: 101325 Pa.
cp (optional) specific heat of dry air at constant pressure. Default: 1005^{-1}.K^{-1}.
r (optional) molar gas constant for air. Default: 287.0^{-1}.K^{-1}.

template<class TU, class TT, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeTM_Kz ( const Data< TT, 3, TG > &  SurfaceTemperature,
const Data< TU, 3, TG > &  FrictionModule,
const Data< T, 3, TG > &  SensibleHeat,
const Data< T, 3, TG > &  LMO,
const Data< T, 3, TG > &  BoundaryHeight,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  Kz,
bool  TM_stable = true,
SBL = T(0.1),
p = T(2.0),
Ka = T(0.4) 

Computes vertical diffusion according to the Troen and Mahrt (1986).

SurfaceTemperature surface temperature.
FrictionModule friction module.
SensibleHeat sensible heat.
LMO Monin-Obukhov length.
BoundaryHeight boundary layer height.
Kz (output) vertical diffusion coefficients at the interfaces.
TM_stable if set to 'false', Troen and Mahrt parameterization only applied in unstable boundary layer. Default: true.
SBL Ratio between the SBL and the PBL. Default: 0.1.
p Troen & Mahrt coefficient. Default: 2.0.
Ka Von Karman constant. Default: 0.4.

template<class TLC, class TC>
TC AtmoData::ComputeTotalCloudiness ( TLC  low_cloudiness,
TLC  medium_cloudiness,
TLC  high_cloudiness 
) [inline]

Computes the total cloudiness at a given point.

low_cloudiness low cloudiness in [0, 1].
medium_cloudiness medium cloudiness in [0, 1].
high_cloudiness high cloudiness in [0, 1].
the total cloudiness in [0, 1].

template<class T, class TLC, class TC>
void AtmoData::ComputeTotalCloudiness ( Data< TLC, 3, T > &  LowCloudiness,
Data< TLC, 3, T > &  MediumCloudiness,
Data< TLC, 3, T > &  HighCloudiness,
Data< TC, 3, T > &  Cloudiness 

Computes the total cloudiness.

LowCloudiness low cloudiness in [0, 1].
MediumCloudiness medium cloudiness in [0, 1].
HighCloudiness high cloudiness in [0, 1].
Cloudiness (output) total cloudiness in [0, 1].
the total cloudiness in [0, 1].

template<class real>
void AtmoData::ComputeVerticalDistribution ( const Data< real, 2 > &  vertical_distribution_in,
const RegularGrid< real > &  GridZ_interf_in,
const RegularGrid< real > &  GridZ_interf_out,
Data< real, 2 > &  vertical_distribution_out 

Computes vertical distribution factors.

Maps the vertical distribution 'vertical_distribution_in' given on the vertical mesh 'GridZ_interf_in' to the output mesh 'GridZ_interf_out'.

vertical_distribution_in vertical distribution on input grid.
GridZ_interf_in altitudes of interfaces of input grid (m).
GridZ_interf_out altitudes of interfaces of output grid (m).
vertical_distribution_out (output) vertical distribution on output grid.
The vertical distributions are indexed by the activity sector and the height.

template<class TT, class TH, class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::ComputeVirtualTemperature ( Data< TT, 4, TG > &  Temperature,
Data< TH, 4, TG > &  SpecificHumidity,
Data< T, 4, TG > &  VirtualTemperature,
c = 0.608 

Computes the virtual temperature.

The virtual temperature is computed according to: T_v = (1 + c * q) * T where T_s is the virtual temperature, q the specific humidity, T the temperature and c a coefficient (0.608, usually).

Temperature temperature (K).
SpecificHumidity specific humidity (kg/kg).
VirtualTemperature (output) virtual temperature (K).
c (optional) coefficient. Default: 0.608.
Temperature and VirtualTemperature may be the same object.

template<class T>
T AtmoData::ComputeWesely ( surface_temperature,
string  species,
limit = 1.e10,
D_H2O = 0.25 
) [inline]

surface_temperature surface temperature (K).
solar_radiation solar radiation (W.m^{-2}).
species species name, useful only if species=="O3" or species=="SO2".
reactivity reactivity factor for the species.
diffusivity molecular diffusivity for the species in air.
Henry Henry constant for the species.
Ri minimum bulk canopy stomatal resistance for water vapour.
Rlu resistance of the outer surfaces in the upper canopy.
Rac in-canopy aerodynamic resistance.
RgsS soil resistance for SO2.
RgsO soil resistance for O3.
RclS resistance due to exposed surface in the lower canopy, for SO2.
RclO resistance due to exposed surface in the lower canopy, for O3.
limit (optional) upper limit for resistances. Default: 1.e10.
D_H2O (optional) molecular diffusivity for water vapor. Default: 0.25.
the bulk surface resistance.

template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref AtmoData::Corr ( Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref >  data_ref,
Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &  data_comp,
Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &  test 

Computes the correlation between two data sets.

data_ref reference data.
data_comp data to be compared with 'data_ref'.
test boolean function with two parameters; the i-th elements of 'data_ref' and 'data_comp' are taken into account if 'test(data_ref(i), data_comp(i))' is true.
The correlation.

template<class T, int N, class TG>
void AtmoData::Decumulate ( Data< T, N, TG > &  data,
int  length,
int  start = 0 

Decumulates data.

'data' stores values cumulated in time, where the time is the first dimension.

data data to be decumulated.
length number of time steps over which data is cumulated.
start (optional) index of the first complete cycle. Default: 0.

template<class real>
void AtmoData::DividesByHeights ( const RegularGrid< real > &  GridZ_interf_out,
Data< real, 2 > &  vertical_distribution_out 

Divides the vertical distribution by the heights.

GridZ_interf_out heights of the output grid.
vertical_distribution_out (output) vertical distribution on the output grid indexed by the activity sector and the height.

template<class real>
void AtmoData::EmepToLatLon ( const Data< int, 2, real > &  LUC,
const real  Ratio_urb,
const real  Ratio_for,
const real  Ratio_oth,
const Data< int, 2, real > &  Nurb_emep,
const Data< int, 2, real > &  Nwat_emep,
const Data< int, 2, real > &  Nfor_emep,
const Data< int, 2, real > &  Noth_emep,
const Data< int, 2, real > &  Ntot_polair,
Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &  Emis_land,
Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &  Emis_water,
Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &  Emis_out 

Computes emissions on a latitude-longitude grid.

Computes emissions on a latitude-longitude grid (like Polair3D grid) on the basis of EMEP inventory and weights associated with aggregated (in urban, forest and miscellaneous) LUC categories.

LUC land use coverage.
Ratio_urb weight of urban cells.
Ratio_for weight of forest cells.
Ratio_oth weight of other cells.
Nurb_emep number of urban LUC cells in EMEP cells.
Nwat_emep number of water LUC cells in EMEP cells.
Nfor_emep number of forest LUC cells in EMEP cells.
Noth_emep number of other LUC cells in EMEP cells.
Ntot_polair total number of LUC cells in each Polair3D cell.
Emis_land emissions over land (Tons).
Emis_water emissions over water (Tons).
Emis_out (output) output emissions (Tons . m^{-2}) for a given day.

template<class real>
void AtmoData::GetTemporalFactors ( string  input_file,
Data< real, 3 > &  Factors 

Reads temporal factors from a file.

Reads monthly profiles for a given month or daily profiles for a week. In the file, each line first stores the EMEP country code, then the SNAP sector and finally the factors for the 12 months or the 7 weekdays. If no factor is available for a given country and a given SNAP sector, it is set to 1.

input_file input file.
Factors (output) temporal factors.

template<class real>
void AtmoData::GridCorrespondences ( const Data< int, 2, real > &  LUC,
Data< int, 2, real > &  Nurb_emep,
Data< int, 2, real > &  Nwat_emep,
Data< int, 2, real > &  Nfor_emep,
Data< int, 2, real > &  Noth_emep,
Data< int, 2, real > &  Ntot_polair 

Correspondence between Emep and Polair3D grids.

Computes (1) the number of urban, water, forest and other types of LUC that are included in each EMEP cell, and (2) the total number of LUC cells included in each Polair3D cell.

LUC land use coverage on GLCF categories.
Nurb_emep (output) number of urban LUC cells in EMEP cells.
Nwat_emep (output) number of water LUC cells in EMEP cells.
Nfor_emep (output) number of forest LUC cells in EMEP cells.
Noth_emep (output) number of other LUC cells in EMEP cells.
Ntot_polair (output) total number of LUC cells in each Polair3D cell.
The arrays are stored in (Y, X) format.

template<class T>
bool AtmoData::IsDay ( lon,
Date  date 

Checks whether it is nighttime or daytime at a given location and time.

lon longitude of location (degrees).
lat latitude of location (degrees).
date date and time (hour and minutes) in format Date.
true if it is daytime, false otherwise.

template<class T>
bool AtmoData::IsDay ( lon,
int  idate,

Checks whether it is nighttime or daytime at a given location and time.

lon longitude of location (degrees).
lat latitude of location (degrees).
idate date in the form YYYYMMDD.
ut local time in decimal UT (e.g., 16.25 means 15 minutes after 4 pm).
true if it is daytime, false otherwise.

template<class T, class T0>
T AtmoData::max ( x,
T0  y 
) [inline]

Returns the maximum of two elements.

x first number.
y second number.
The maximum of {x, y}.

template<class T, class T0>
T AtmoData::min ( x,
T0  y 
) [inline]

Returns the minimum of two elements.

x first number.
y second number.
The minimum of {x, y}.

template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref AtmoData::NGE ( Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref >  data_ref,
Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &  data_comp,
Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &  test 

Computes the normalized gross error between two data sets.

data_ref reference data.
data_comp data to be compared with 'data_ref'.
test boolean function with two parameters; the i-th elements of 'data_ref' and 'data_comp' are taken into account if 'test(data_ref(i), data_comp(i))' is true.
The normalized gross error.

template<class real>
void AtmoData::ReadEmep ( Date  date,
const vector< string > &  Sp_emis_names,
string  input_directory,
string  input_file,
const Data< real, 3 > &  MonthlyFactors,
const Data< real, 3 > &  DailyFactors,
const real &  deposition_factor_nh3,
Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &  Emis_land,
Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &  Emis_water 

Reads Emep standard files and applies monthly and daily factors.

First reads Emep standard files located in the input directory (format <species>.dat). In these files, the Emep emissions (Tons) correspond to a given year, and are provided for European countries and for each SNAP. Then applies monthly and daily coefficients in order to provide emissions over land and over water for a given day.

date date.
Sp_emis_names inventory emission species names.
input_directory input directory.
input_file input file.
MonthlyFactors monthly factors indexed by the country, the sector and the month.
DailyFactors daily factors indexed by the country, the sector and the day.
deposition_factor_nh3 local deposition factor for NH3 (range 0-1).
Emis_land (output) emissions over land (Tons) for a given day.
Emis_water (output) emissions over water (Tons) for a given day.
Output data is indexed by the species, Y, X and the sector.

template<class real>
void AtmoData::ReadModifiedEmep ( Date  date,
const vector< string > &  Sp_emis_names,
string  input_directory,
const Data< real, 3 > &  MonthlyFactors,
const Data< real, 3 > &  DailyFactors,
const real &  deposition_factor_nh3,
Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &  Emis_land,
Data< list< EmepCountryEmission< real > >, 4, real > &  Emis_water 

Reads Emep modified files and applies monthly and daily factors.

First reads Emep modified files located in the input directory (format <species>.dat). In these files, the Emep emissions (Tons) correspond to a given year, and are provided for European countries and for each SNAP. Then applies monthly and daily coefficients in order to provide emissions over land and over water for a given day.

date date.
Sp_emis_names inventory emission species names.
input_directory input directory.
MonthlyFactors monthly factors indexed by the country, the sector and the month.
DailyFactors daily factors indexed by the country, the sector and the day.
deposition_factor_nh3 local deposition factor for NH3 (range 0-1).
Emis_land (output) emissions over land (Tons) for a given day.
Emis_water (output) emissions over water (Tons) for a given day.
Output data is indexed by the species, Y, X and the sector.
The input files read by this function are not the standard Emep emission files. This function is therefore deprecated. Please use ReadEmep.

template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref AtmoData::RelativeRMS ( Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref >  data_ref,
Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &  data_comp,
Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &  test 

Computes the relative root mean square between two data sets.

data_ref reference data.
data_comp data to be compared with 'data_ref'.
test boolean function with two parameters; the i-th elements of 'data_ref' and 'data_comp' are taken into account if 'test(data_ref(i), data_comp(i))' is true.
The relative root mean square.

template<class T_ref, int N, class TG_ref, class T_comp, class TG_comp>
T_ref AtmoData::RMS ( Data< T_ref, N, TG_ref >  data_ref,
Data< T_comp, N, TG_comp > &  data_comp,
Function_Base< T_ref, bool > &  test 

Computes the root mean square between two data sets.

data_ref reference data.
data_comp data to be compared with 'data_ref'.
test boolean function with two parameters; the i-th elements of 'data_ref' and 'data_comp' are taken into account if 'test(data_ref(i), data_comp(i))' is true.
The root mean square.

template<class real>
void AtmoData::SpeciationAggregation ( const vector< string > &  Sp_emis_names,
string  aggregation_matrix,
string  speciation_directory,
vector< string > &  Sp_model_names,
Data< real, 3 > &  Species_factor 

Computes speciation/aggregation factors.

Computes the factor for each sector to be applied to inventory species emissions in order to get model species emissions. For NOX, the factor takes into account the fact that NOX emissions are given in NO2 equivalent units. First, One file per inventory species is read for speciation in the speciation directory (format "<species>.dat") and provides percentages to split inventory species emissions into real-species emissions. Then, an aggregation file is read. It contains a matrix that gives molecular weights, reactivities and aggregation coefficients for real (lines) and model (columns) species. VOCs aggregation coefficients are computed according to Middleton et al. (1990) with the integral of [OH] set to 1.0.

Sp_emis_names inventory species names.
aggregation_matrix aggregation-matrix file.
speciation_directory speciation directory.
Sp_model_names (output) model species names.
Species_factor (output) species factors indexed by the model species, the inventory species and the sector.

Reads model species names, molecular weight and reactivity

template<class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::TransformMeridionalWind ( Data< T, 4, TG > &  MeridionalWind  ) 

Transforms the meridional wind for Polair.

Formula: MeridionalWind = MeridionalWind * cos(latitude).

MeridionalWind meridional wind.
Coordinates associated with MeridionalWind must be in degrees.

template<class T, class TG>
void AtmoData::TransformZonalWind ( Data< T, 4, TG > &  ZonalWind  ) 

Transforms the zonal wind for Polair.

Formula: ZonalWind = ZonalWind / cos(latitude).

ZonalWind zonal wind.
Coordinates associated with ZonalWind must be in degrees.

template<class T>
T AtmoData::ZenithAngle ( lon,
Date  date,

Calculates solar zenith angle for a given time and location. Calculation is based on equations given in: Paltridge and Platt, Radiative Processes in Meteorology and Climatology, Elsevier, pp. 62,63, 1976. Fourier coefficients originally from: Spencer, J.W., 1971, Fourier series representation of the position of the sun, Search, 2:172. Note: This approximate program does not account for changes from year to year.

lon longitude of location (degrees).
lat latitude of location (degrees).
date date in the form YYYYMMDD.
ut local time in decimal UT (e.g., 16.25 means 15 minutes after 4 pm).
solar zenith angle (degrees).

Generated on Tue Nov 17 11:51:45 2009 for AtmoData by  doxygen 1.5.1