

AtmoPy is a tool for data processing and visualization in atmospheric sciences. It is part of the Polyphemus system, although it can be used independently. AtmoPy is based on Python 2.3 and higher.

The latest version of AtmoPy is version 1.7, released on 2009-05-18.

AtmoPy relies on functionalities of Matplotlib External link, a plotting library with a syntax similar to the one of Matlab, and in particular its module Basemap. Make sure to download it.

Below is an example of visualization with AtmoPy (output of the test atmopy_test()):

An example of visualization with AtmoPy


A documentation for AtmoPy has been generated using Epydoc. You are invited to browse External link it online.

Release Notes

From version 1.6 to 1.7:
From version 1.5.1 to 1.6:
From version 1.4 to 1.5:
From version 1.5 to 1.5.1: