


In atmospheric chemistry and physics, one has to deal with the large amount of multidimensional data. Five-dimensional data is not unusual. The data is usually associated with coordinates, which means that facilities to manage gridded data are needed. AtmoData addresses these issues in a safe and convenient object-oriented framework.

In addition, AtmoData provides a set of physical functions and parameterizations. They range from basic functions to compute a Richardson number to state-of-the-art parameterizations to compute deposition velocities or vertical diffusion coefficients.

AtmoData has proven to be a reliable tool including in the context of the full modeling system Polyphemus (daily air-quality forecasts, ensemble forecast, data assimilation, ...). It is built so as to be a perennial library. Future developments will increase its amount of features and everyone is welcome to use AtmoData or to contribute to it. AtmoData is freely available under the GNU General Public License.


AtmoData is a C++ library which provides:

Details and references

Details about the design and the content of AtmoData are provided in:

[Available upon request]   "Data processing and parameterizations in atmospheric chemistry and physics: the AtmoData library", V. Mallet and B. Sportisse, 2005, submitted to Atmospheric Environment   (bib)

AtmoData is based on libraries SeldonData and Talos.

Release Notes

Talos (from version 1.1 to version 1.2.1)

SeldonData (from version 1.6 to version 1.6.4)

AtmoData (from version 1.3 to version 1.4.3)

Download AtmoData




  1. Download the AtmoData package (below).
  2. Expand the archive: tar jxvf AtmoData-[version].tar.bz2, which creates a directory codes with AtmoData, SeldonData and Talos in it. SeldonData and Talos are two additional libraries used by AtmoData.
  3. Test the installation thanks to the example codes/testInstallAtmoData.cpp, compile testInstallAtmoData.cpp with (you may replace g++ by any good compiler)
    g++ -IAtmoData -ISeldonData -ITalos testInstallAtmoData.cpp
    and launch ./a.out. It should return:
    Running the test...
    Statistics: (min = 280, max = 319.469, mean = 292.582, std = 11.9315)
    The test ended successfully.


Latest release: AtmoData - version 1.4.3 (2010-11-03, based on SeldonData 1.6.4 and Talos 1.2.1 -- included in the archive)


Overall design / reference for citation

The overall design and the purpose of the library is described in:

[Available upon request]   "Data processing and parameterizations in atmospheric chemistry and physics: the AtmoData library", V. Mallet and B. Sportisse, 2005, submitted to Atmospheric Environment   (bib)

Please cite this paper in case you want to refer to AtmoData in a publication, a conference, a poster or so.

Scientific documentation

This documentation details the physical parameterizations and functions available in the library.

Download the scientific documentation.

Technical documentation

The user should first read SeldonData user's guide and then AtmoData user's guide. SeldonData is the underlying library that provides the data structures. AtmoData extends SeldonData with atmospheric-oriented facilities and one may use it easily if one knows how to use SeldonData. Note that a part of AtmoData has been written using Fortran and that a separate documentation exists for that part.

In each documentation, the user should first read the user's guide. The rest of the documentation provides individual descriptions of the classes, the methods and the functions available in the library, and one should refer to it when necessary (e.g. to search for a given function or to find the arguments of a given function).

Hence there are two main documentations:

Although it is not needed to use AtmoData, one could be interested in the documentation for Talos (provided with AtmoData): browse Talos documentation online External link, or download it.

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